Essence Of Healing

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The Regression Technique

When you experience a regression with the view to observe a past life and connect to the subconscious, the energies used stimulate the right, or intuitive, hemisphere of your brain so that the normally overemphasized left, or rational, hemisphere is bypassed to allow either your own transpersonal, or Higher Self, or some guiding force or energy, to have the opportunity to offer wisdom beyond our ego selves.

The regression technique acts as a key to the subconscious and is a potent and extremely effective way to heal the 'self'.

There is a great deal of debate regarding the right and left hemisphere of the brain.

I regressed an anesthesiologist some years back and she wanted to know where the subconscious goes during an operation. The subconscious replied that it depended on how the operation was going. Initially it would move outside from the body and observe, however if it seemed like a life threatening moment was to occur, it would immediately enter back into the body. This is interesting to me, as I know from case histories that it is possible for a person to function both logically and intuitively with large parts of the brain missing or damaged.

We are definitely far more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.

In life we tend to create a barrier between our conscious minds through the overuse of rationality. Naturally, and at times this is essential, however we should soften our attitudes so that neither the conscious or subconscious mind have a greater advantage in our lives.

A regression achieves a bridge of contact between our everyday personal experiences and the needs of our inner-selves. The ultimate goal is to achieve an inner-sense of satisfaction. This is the purpose of regression therapy, to review the exact moments in the past that have influenced our current behaviour to be a certain way. 

The Sacred Subconscious Technique is healing and rewarding on so many lives.
Thank you for connecting. I hope you find this information of interest.

In joy and light
